The kenmun is an unknown primate said to live in the Ryukyu Islands, particularly the mangroves of the Amami islands, south of Kyushu. Below the Amami islands is the nearby Okinawa archipelago, where they are called kijimuna, and in Taiwan, a similar creature is reported named moshina. They are typically described as being three to four feet in height, are covered in matted dark red or black hair, and have red eyes. They have monkey-like faces, sometimes with a snout. They have long arms and live in banyan trees.
They eat shellfish, crabs, and octopuses. Banyan trees with empty shells beneath them are said to be a sign of kenmuns living in the area. Many sightings are also accompanied by a foul odour, usually described as smelling like a barnyard animal or rotting yams.
Kenmuns are commonly thought to frighten livestock. An example of this phenomenon was in 1973, when a rancher was trying to move his cattle when they all suddenly became frozen in fear. At the same time, he noticed a disgusting smell coming from somewhere in the nearby treeline. As soon as the smell disappeared, his cattle became calm.
In 1986, Isamu Satoyama found a long trackway of unusual, 30 by 10 centimetre (11 by 4 in) ape-like prints on a remote beach. The trackway, which he photographed, was over 1,600 feet long.
Many sightings also come from fishermen, such as a report of a man seeing what he initially thought was a child sitting on a beach. When he called out to it and got closer, the animal, which he could now see was covered in hair, turned to view him. He described its face as ape-like. He ran away, and the creature persued. When he ran into his cabin it started pelting rocks at it, but it eventually gave up and left.